NiceMC 发表于 2024-7-17 22:42:54


本帖最后由 NiceMC 于 2024-7-18 13:06 编辑

MCC X MINECRAFT: THE ENDER CUP IS ALMOST HEREA server event and a streamer championship for the ages!

It’s almost time to kick off the competition! Or maybe I should say competitions, since there will be not one but two MCC events this month! During our 15-year anniversary celebration, we announced that we partnered up with Noxcrew to organize a special edition of MC Championship (aka MCC), and today we’re bringing you official dates and exciting deets! Not only will you get to watch Minecraft streamers battle over the prestigious Ender Cup, but you’ll also get to face your own battles in MCC-inspired mini-games for rewards in a server event for Bedrock Edition. Are you up for the challenge? Then let's see what trials await... PLAY AND COMPETE IN THE MCC PARTY On July 22 we’re opening the virtual gates to the MC Championship x Minecraft 15th Anniversary Party, a two-week server event celebrating Minecraft’s 15th anniversary in (you’ve guessed it) MCC style. This festive village has everything: four MCC-inspired mini-games with rewards, hidden challenges, shops, and collectibles! Plus, by completing activities, you’ll earn Character Creator items, including the exclusive, official, MC Championship Cape! HOW TO JOIN THE LIVE EVENT* To enter the MCC Party, simply click the dedicated button on the main screen of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. The event will be open between July 22 at 10am PST / 7pm CET to August 4 at 3pm PST / August 5 at 12am CET. The server is only accessible via Bedrock Edition, and you’ll need an internet connection to join. This means you’ll need a subscription like Xbox Live Gold/Game Pass, PlayStation Plus, or Nintendo Switch Online if you play on console. For child accounts, make sure that you enable server play in the account’s settings. Ace Race mini-game Gird Runners mini-game Sands of Time mini-game Shop
THE MINI-GAMES Not only will you be able to experience MCC mini-games for yourself, but also earn currency that you can use in the shop – more on that in a bit! First, let’s look at the selection of mini-games. For nimble crafters, there’s Ace Race, where you traverse a short obstacle course and leverage speed boosts, jump pads, and elytra sections. Grid Runners is a variety-challenge course where you must complete each task within a set amount of time before moving on to the next one. Fun fact: this mini-game was originally a free map from Minecon Earth 2018! Feeling adventurous? Dive into Sands of Time, a dungeon-delving PVE mini-game filled with every adventurer’s favorite things: obstacles, traps, monsters, and of course, treasure! And finally, there’s the aptly named Meltdown, where you must defeat as many zombies as possible as the room around you literally melts. All these games will score you based on time, and as mentioned before, reward you with in-game currency. But what can you do with all those coins you’ll earn?! Well... THE STORE This is where you put all that in-game currency to good use. In the store, you can buy a variety of hats (including wacky ones as well as Ender Cup team color hats), toys and gadgets, and snacks with some funky effects! official MC Championship Cape
DAILY CHALLENGES Who doesn’t love a mystery? For the first seven days, you’ll receive a cryptic challenge in the form of an image, which you must decipher to figure out how to complete. You’ll also have the entire second week to figure out the seven clues and complete the hidden challenges for even more rewards.To unlock the MC Championship Cape, you must complete a total of 15 challenges, one of which is solving the mystery above! I wonder why they chose that number... In any case, make sure you join the party and leave no block unturned! WATCH THE ENDER CUP
On July 27 at 6pm BST / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT, it’s time to kick back and watch other Minecrafters compete! The coveted Ender cup is up for grabs, and 40 Minecraft streamers are coming together to battle for it in the most thrilling challenges MCC has to offer, themed after 15 years of Minecraft! In this nail-biting competition, ten teams consisting of four Minecrafters each will play through eight unique games designed to test a variety of skills. Competitors must prove their parkour, PvP, puzzling, and building skills as well as their knowledge of Minecraft. And of course, teamwork plays a key role throughout the competition. Once all eight mini-games are completed, the top two scoring teams proceed to the final duel, where one team will prove to the Ender Dragon that they are worthy of the cup! HOW TO WATCH

MCC will be streamed by each participant on their own channels, so you can choose between 40 different perspectives! Check out the MCC web app on the day of the event for the full list of available streams as well as the live score. You can also watch on our Twitch and YouTube channels. The creators and teams taking part will be revealed on July 18 and 19, so keep an eye out for that on @mcchampionship_! You can also head to for more information on both events. Who will earn the coveted Ender Cup? And will you dare take on the challenges yourself in the MCC Party? Only a few days to go until the festivities begin, so make sure you're ready for all this action!
*Requires the latest version of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition (sold separately); event runs from July 22, 2024 at 10am PST to August 4, 2024 at 3pm PST. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MCC X MINECRAFT: 末影杯即将来临一个服务器活动和一个时代的主播锦标赛比赛快到了开始的时候了!或者也许我应该说比赛,因为本月不会有一场而是两场 MCC 赛事!在我们的 15 周年庆典上,我们宣布与 Noxcrew 合作组织了特别版的 MC 锦标赛(又名 MCC),今天我们将为您带来官方日期和激动人心的 deets!您不仅可以观看《我的世界》主播在久负盛名的安德杯上的战斗,还可以在受 MCC 启发的迷你游戏中面对自己的战斗,在基岩版的服务器活动中获得奖励。你准备好迎接挑战了吗?那么让我们看看等待你的考验是什么......

在MCC派对上玩耍和竞争7 月 22 日,我们将向 MC Championship x Minecraft 15 周年派对敞开虚拟大门,这是一个为期两周的服务器活动,以(您已经猜对了)MCC 风格庆祝 Minecraft 15 周年。这个节日村庄应有尽有:四个受 MCC 启发的迷你游戏,包括奖励、隐藏挑战、商店和收藏品!此外,通过完成活动,您将获得角色创造者物品,包括独家官方 MC 冠军披风!
如何加入直播活动*要进入 MCC 派对,只需单击 Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 主屏幕上的专用按钮。该活动将于太平洋标准时间 7 月 22日上午 10 点/欧洲中部时间晚上 7 点至 8 月 4 日太平洋标准时间下午 3 点/欧洲中部时间 8 月 5 日凌晨 12 点开放。(NiceMC提醒您:活动开放日期为北京时间7月23日凌晨2点至8月5日下午4点)该服务器只能通过基岩版访问,您需要互联网连接才能加入。这意味着如果您在主机上玩游戏,则需要订阅 Xbox Live Gold/Game Pass、PlayStation Plus 或 Nintendo Switch Online 等订阅。对于儿童帐户,请确保在帐户的设置中启用服务器播放。跑酷比赛合作闯关(网络中并无中文,自己根据游戏玩法翻译)时之沙小游戏商店小游戏您不仅可以亲身体验 MCC 迷你游戏,还可以赚取可以在商店中使用的货币 - 稍后会详细介绍!首先,让我们看一下迷你游戏的选择。对于灵活的工匠来说,有 Ace Race,您可以在其中穿越短距离障碍赛并利用速度提升、跳垫和鞘翅部分。Grid Runners 是一个多样化的挑战课程,您必须在设定的时间内完成每项任务,然后才能进入下一个任务。有趣的事实:这个小游戏最初是 Minecon Earth 2018 的免费地图!喜欢冒险?潜入《时之沙》,这是一款地牢探索的 PVE 迷你游戏,里面装满了每个冒险家最喜欢的东西:障碍物、陷阱、怪物,当然还有宝藏!最后,还有一个恰如其分的Meltdown,你必须在其中击败尽可能多的僵尸,因为你周围的房间真的融化了。所有这些游戏都会根据时间给你打分,如前所述,用游戏内货币奖励你。但是你能用你赚到的那些硬币做什么?!井。。。店铺在这里,您可以充分利用所有游戏内货币。在商店里,你可以买到各种帽子(包括古怪的帽子以及安德杯球队颜色的帽子)、玩具和小工具,以及一些时髦效果的小吃!官方锦标赛披风日常挑战谁不喜欢神秘?在最初的七天里,你会收到一个图像形式的神秘挑战,你必须破译它,弄清楚如何完成。您还将有整个第二周的时间来找出七条线索并完成隐藏的挑战以获得更多奖励。要解锁MC冠军斗篷,您必须完成总共15个挑战,其中之一就是解开上面的谜团!我想知道他们为什么选择这个数字......无论如何,请确保您加入派对并不遗余力!观看末影杯

7 月 27 日英国夏令时下午 6 点/美国东部时间下午 1 点/太平洋夏令时上午 10 点(北京时间7月28日凌晨2点),是时候放松一下,观看其他 Minecrafters 的比赛了!梦寐以求的 Ender 杯可供争夺,40 名 Minecraft 主播齐聚一堂,在 MCC 提供的最激动人心的挑战中为之奋斗,以 Minecraft 15 年为主题!在这场扣人心弦的比赛中,由四名 Minecrafter 组成的十支队伍将玩八款旨在测试各种技能的独特游戏。参赛者必须证明他们的跑酷、PvP、谜题和建筑技能以及他们对 Minecraft 的了解。当然,团队合作在整个比赛中起着关键作用。完成所有八个迷你游戏后,得分最高的两支队伍将进入最后的决斗,其中一支队伍将向末影龙证明他们配得上奖杯!如何观看

每个参与者将在自己的频道上播放 MCC,因此您可以在 40 种不同的观点之间进行选择!在活动当天查看 MCC 网络应用程序,了解可用流的完整列表以及实时比分。您也可以在我们的 Twitch 和 YouTube 频道上观看。参与的创作者和团队将于 7 月 18 日和 19 日揭晓,敬请关注@mcchampionship_!您也可以前往 了解有关这两个活动的更多信息。谁将获得梦寐以求的安德杯?你敢于在MCC党内接受挑战吗?距离庆祝活动开始只有几天的时间了,所以请确保您已准备好进行所有这些行动!
*需要最新版本的 Minecraft: Bedrock Edition(单独出售);活动时间为太平洋标准时间 2024 年 7 月 22 日上午 10 点至 2024 年 8 月 4 日太平洋标准时间下午 3 点(北京时间2024年7月23日凌晨2点至2024年8月5日上午7点)。
原文来源于Minecraft官方网站,原文地址:MCC x Minecraft The Ender Cup 即将到来 |我的世界

NiceMC 发表于 2024-7-17 22:52:56

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查看完整版本: 【熟肉】MCC锦标赛——末影杯即将开始,可以领取新披风!