

热搜: 模组 汉化 插件


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  • 打卡等级:小镇青年
  • 打卡总天数:62
  • 打卡月天数:6
  • 打卡总奖励:10999
  • 最近打卡:2024-10-07 09:46:59









Rank: 8Rank: 8



发表于 2024-8-26 10:31:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 NiceMC 于 2024-8-26 10:46 编辑

中文翻译来自于ChatGPT,翻译错误率较低,英文来自于Minecraft Snapshot 24w34a | Minecraft部分内容因编码不同会导致排版及显示问题

●  收纳袋工具提示现在可以显示3行内容,并且总是能展示至少8种物品类型。
●  开发者注释:物品在收纳袋中按四列填充,当一列满时,它会被上面的一列推下去。这意味着顶部的行可能会出现空隙。
●  请注意,此切换背后的实验性功能目前并未针对未来的任何版本。这只是一个我们尝试更改和收集反馈的地方。
●  我们很高兴听到你对这些更改的看法:请在反馈页面上分享你的反馈。
●  矿车不再在落在轨道上时强制居中对齐。
●  矿车在对角线角落对齐,且在被活塞推送后对齐。
●  这允许使用活塞按钮和类似的装置。
●  分配器再次允许堆叠矿车。
●  矿车现在更容易在相反的坡度上停下。
●  矿车不再在短时间的跌落或垂直下落时倾斜。
●  矿车现在在放置(或分配)到轨道时会立即以正确的旋转放置。
●  矿车也会以正确的旋转放置到坡道上。
●  矿车在上坡或下坡时不会穿过块,而是会碰撞。
●  请注意,此切换背后的实验性功能目前并未针对未来的任何版本。这只是一个我们尝试更改和收集反馈的地方。
●  我们很高兴听到你对这些更改的看法:请在反馈页面上分享你的反馈。
●  开发者注释:过多的邻居更新影响了基于准连接性的装置的行为。我们计划在以后解决这些问题。
●  红石线路更新现在具有左侧优先的偏好。
●  这意味着如果线路上有分叉且两边的距离相同,则左侧将首先更新。
●  这消除了大部分随机行为。
●  剩下的边缘情况仍然是随机的,即线路从上方或下方获得电力而没有足够的上下文。
●  箭矢、三叉戟和钓鱼浮标等投射物在碰到世界边界时会弹跳。
●  使用更高渲染距离时,帧率得到改进。
●  旋转相机时性能影响显著减少。
●  配方书现在在按下“选择”键(空格或任意回车键)时会重复上一个选择的配方。
●  消耗后会转化为其他物品的物品在创造模式下不再进行转化。
●  例如,蜂蜜瓶在创造模式下消费后不再添加玻璃瓶到你的背包中。
●  数据包版本现为50
●  资源包版本现为36
数据包版本 50
●  更改的物品组件
●  `minecraft:food`
●  食物组件已更改为数据容器,只保存物品在消耗时的食物属性。
●  该组件不再赋予物品可被消费的能力,这可以通过新的 `consumable` 组件实现。
●  格式:具有字段的对象
●  `nutrition`: 消耗时应用的营养值
●  `saturation`: 消耗时应用的饱和度
●  `can_always_eat`: 是否可以在用户不饿时也能消费
●  新增的物品组件
●  `minecraft:use_remainder`
●  如果存在,当物品的堆叠数量在使用后减少时,会用剩余物品替换该物品。
●  如果物品在使用后堆叠数量大于0,剩余物品将被添加到背包中。
●  如果在尝试将剩余物品添加到背包时背包已满,则剩余物品将被丢弃在地上。
●  格式:作为物品堆叠的单值,例如 `use_remainder={id:'minecraft:stick', count:1}`
●  `minecraft:use_cooldown`
●  如果存在,当使用此物品时,它将对所有相同类型的物品应用冷却时间。
●  格式:具有字段的对象
●  `seconds`: 正浮点数,表示冷却时间的秒数
●  `cooldown_group`: 可选的命名空间ID,表示冷却组
●  如果存在,此物品将属于一个冷却组,并不再与其基本物品类型共享冷却时间。
●  相反,应用于此物品的冷却时间只与属于同一冷却组的其他物品共享。
●  例如 `use_cooldown={seconds:1.5, cooldown_group:"minecraft:custom_weapon"}`
●  `minecraft:consumable`
●  如果存在,此物品在使用时可以被消费。
●  如果物品上也存在 `food`、`potion_contents`、`ominous_bottle_amplifier` 或 `suspicious_stew_contents`,消费此物品将应用这些组件的属性和效果。
●  格式:具有字段的对象
●  `consume_seconds`: 非负浮点数,表示玩家消费此物品所需的秒数
●  默认值:1.6
●  `animation`: 消耗此物品时使用的动画
●  默认值:eat
●  可接受值:none、eat、drink、block、bow、spear、crossbow、spyglass、toot_horn、brush
●  `sound`: 音效事件,消费此物品时播放的声音
●  默认值:entity.generic.eat
●  `has_consume_particles`: 布尔值,是否在消费此物品时发出消耗粒子
●  默认值:true
●  `on_consume_effects`: 可选的副作用列表,消费此物品后发生的效果
●  目前有5种有效的消费效果
●  `minecraft:apply_effects`
●  `effects`: 一旦消费后应用的状态效果实例列表
●  `probability`: 浮点数,应用上述效果的概率
●  默认值:1.0
●  `minecraft:remove_effects`
●  `effects`: 一旦消费后移除的状态效果,作为标签或ID列表
●  `minecraft:clear_all_effects`
●  清除消费者的所有状态效果
●  `minecraft:teleport_randomly`
●  `diameter`: 正浮点数,消费者将被传送的直径范围
●  默认值:16.0
●  `minecraft:play_sound`
●  `sound`: 消耗后播放的声音事件
●  例如 `consumable={consume_seconds:3.0, animation:'eat', sound:'entity.generic.eat', has_consume_particles:true, on_consume_effects:[{type:'minecraft:clear_all_effects'}]}`
资源包版本 36
●  着色器与后处理效果
●  开发者注释:虽然资源包中可以进行覆盖,但覆盖核心着色器被视为不受支持且不是预期的资源包功能。这些着色器作为游戏内部实现的一部分存在,因此可能会随着游戏内部实现的演变而随时更改。我们理解覆盖核心着色器用于非常酷的资源包功能,其中许多缺乏支持的替代方案。我们希望将来能提供更好、更支持的替代方案。
●  着色器程序配置现在可以指定要应用到其链接着色器的预
●  许多着色器实现通过利用这一点得以合并。
●  核心着色器和后处理着色器配置的格式已统一。
●  `rendertype_entity_glint_direct` 着色器已被移除(由 `rendertype_entity_glint` 取代)。
●  `rendertype_entity_translucent_cull` 着色器已被移除(由 `rendertype_item_entity_translucent_cull` 取代)。
●  着色器程序定义
●  后处理效果的程序定义(`assets/<namespace>/shaders/program/<name>.json`)已与核心着色器定义(`assets/<namespace>/shaders/core/<name>.json`)保持一致。
●  `blend` 字段已被移除,因为没有用处。
●  `attributes` 字段已被移除,`Position` 属性将始终绑定。
●  提供的 uniforms 已与核心着色器提供的合并。
●  `Time` 已重命名为 `GameTime`。
●  程序定义中的顶点着色器和片段着色器引用(包括后处理效果)现在是命名空间的着色器ID。
●  顶点着色器 `<namespace>:<path>` 将解析为 `assets/<namespace>/shaders/<path>.vsh`。
●  片段着色器 `<namespace>:<path>` 将解析为 `assets/<namespace>/shaders/<path>.fsh`。
●  着色器源文件不再要求位于 `shaders/core` 子目录中,这仅用于组织。
●  向程序定义添加了 `defines` 字段(具有字段的对象)
●  允许将 GLSL 定义指令注入到着色器源中,可以在着色器值中引用。
●  `values`(字符串到字符串的映射)
●  将作为 `#define <key> <value>` 注入到文件顶部。
●  `flags`(字符串列表)
●  将作为 `#define <key>` 注入到文件顶部。
●  着色器导入
●  `#moj_import` 指令现在支持具有绝对路径的命名空间导入。
●  例如,`#moj_import <minecraft:fog.glsl>` 将导入 `assets/minecraft/shaders/include/fog.glsl`。
●  相对导入不使用命名空间,行为与之前相同。
●  后处理效果定义
●  后处理效果配置已从 `assets/<namespace>/shaders/post` 目录移至 `assets/<namespace>/post_effect`。
●  这些效果使用的顶点和片段着色器已从 `assets/<namespace>/shaders/program` 移至 `assets/<namespace>/shaders/post`。
●  `name` 已重命名为 `program`,现在是着色器程序配置的命名空间ID。
●  `<namespace>:<path>` 将解析为 `assets/<namespace>/shaders/<path>.json`。
●  MC-73178 - 村民的 "CanPickUpLoot" 标签无法设置为零
●  MC-144327 - 烈焰人的火棒底面纹理与顶面纹理相同
●  MC-191431 - 玩家在切换到 "Fabulous!" 时,观众视角的头部不可见/在库存中不渲染
●  MC-269376 - 微风从碰撞箱的中心发射风力
●  MC-269715 - 当组件 food.eat_seconds 小于 0.05 时食物不会被吃掉
●  MC-272643 - 使用 `using_converts_to` 的物品在重启世界后无法与原物品堆叠。
●  MC-273629 - 使用 `effects_changed` 进度导致包错误(ConcurrentModificationException),如果是由牛奶触发的
●  MC-275203 - 矿车总是朝东/西方向生成,并在放置到轨道上时略微向上移动
●  MC-275209 - 不可能在水下将水放入水桶中
●  MC-275210 - 矿车在对角线向上移动时可以穿过方块
●  MC-275211 - 掉落物品的附魔光泽不可见
●  MC-275213 - 在尝试将熔岩或粉末雪放入水下的水桶时,手部动画仍在播放
●  MC-275218 - 在轨道上发生脱轨后重新上轨时,“矿车滚动”声音未播放
●  MC-275219 - 在创意模式下,尝试在同一轨道上使用矿车时手部动画仍在播放
●  MC-275221 - 24w33a 中婴儿北极熊模型混乱
●  MC-275224 - 在轨道上使用的矿车物品出现不同步
●  MC-275226 - 玩家和怪物在第三人称视角中持有的物品上的附魔光泽不可见
●  MC-275229 - 矿车在气泡柱上表现异常
●  MC-275230 - 在观众模式下打开库存时游戏崩溃
●  MC-275232 - 开采疲劳动画出现得过近
●  MC-275237 - 无法在铁砧上重命名书籍
●  MC-275241 - 矿车在停止后会继续发出声音一段时间
●  MC-275246 - 尝试从创造模式的库存中移动物品后崩溃
●  MC-275248 - 火把的底面不再存在
●  MC-275249 - “FOV Effects” 滑块错误地修改了望远镜的缩放值
●  MC-275252 - 玩家在爬行时的头部角度现在很奇怪
●  MC-275270 - 矿车在放置到未激活的坡道上时方向不正确
●  MC-275271 - 尝试将物品移动到创造模式的热键栏插槽后崩溃
●  MC-275273 - 婴儿蘑菇牛的模型比例错误
●  MC-275277 - 试炼室的 encounter_4 陷阱经常无法击中玩家
●  MC-275289 - 24w33a 中一些房间中仍有空箱子
●  MC-275293 - 在生存模式中拾取不在热键栏但在背包中的方块时发生内部异常
●  MC-275296 - 玩家手中的发光纹理不发光
●  MC-275297 - 失败的选择器和虚拟玩家在 “score” 选择器中导致意外错误
●  MC-275307 - 从观众模式切换时手部不显示
●  MC-275310 - 无法在附魔台上附魔护甲
●  MC-275319 - 24w33a 中末影水晶似乎比以前版本略小
●  MC-275328 - 物品框中的物品上的附魔光泽不可见
●  MC-275329 - 从24w33a开始,僵尸村民不再举起手臂攻击
●  MC-275332 - 墙壁/天花板上的杠杆和按钮的旋转不会影响红石实验中线路的更新顺序
●  MC-275343 - 被卡在世界边界中的投射物如果边界大小更改则可以漂浮在空中
●  MC-275361 - 嬉皮士变种的婴儿僵尸攻击时手臂从身体上断开
●  MC-275397 - 红石尘土更新不正常
●  MC-275436 - 无法在附魔台上附魔书籍
●  MC-275467 - 矿车在蜘蛛网或粉末雪中脱轨时可以将你发射到数十万块高度
●  MC-275473 - 瘦版模型的手臂现在比躯干低0.5像素
●  MC-275479 - 分配器不能在一块矿车距离的地方放置矿车到轨道上
●  MC-275482 - 矿车不能像以前那样收集怪物
●  MC-275486 - 可附魔数据组件不适用于只有通过数据包附魔的物品
●  MC-275498 - 时钟、指南针和恢复指南针在物品框中不起作用
●  MC-275554 - 在两个向下坡道之间的矿车会剧烈摇动且无法稳定
●  MC-275566 - 尝试打开各种GUI时游戏崩溃,特别是使用Fabulous图形
●  MC-275569 - 皮肤的外层在禁用时显示,直到你进入第三人称视角
跨平台服务器 JAR:

A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Hello! Here is the next snapshot for 1.21.2! It contains some much-requested tweaks to experimental features, as well as some technical changes and optimizations.
Happy mining!
Experimental Features
The following changes only apply when their respective Experiment is turned on, either by activating the corresponding experimental data pack or by turning it on in the Experiments screen while creating the world.
These experiments have no effect unless enabled. You can find more information about Feature Toggles [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]here.
  • The Bundle tooltip now fits 3 rows and can always show at least 8 item types
Developer's Note: Items fill up a Bundle in rows of four, and when a row is full it is pushed down by the row above. This means there can be empty spaces in the top row.
In the previous 2020 Bundle experiment, items filled in from the top without leaving any gaps. We changed this behavior because it meant that items moved left and right in the Bundle as new items were added. This made it more difficult for some players to keep track of the order of items and some even reported that the items were moving randomly!
With only two rows in the tooltip, the behavior of pushing a full row of items further down the Bundle removed half of the visible items, which was too much. We're adding a third row to make the design work better and allow players to see more of the items in their Bundles as they fill up.
Minecart Improvements
Please note that the experimental features behind this toggle are not aimed at any future release at this time. Instead, this is a place for us to try out changes and gather feedback.
We are excited to hear what you think about these changes: please share your feedback on this [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]feedback page.
  • Minecarts no longer forcefully snap to the center of a block when landing on a rail
    • Minecarts snap to corners along the diagonal, and snaps after being pushed by a Piston
    • This allows for Piston bolts and similar contraptions
  • Dispensers are allowed to stack Minecarts again
  • Minecarts now more easily come to rest at opposing slopes
  • Minecarts no longer tilt during a short fall, or when they are falling straight down
  • Minecarts are now placed (or dispensed) with the correct rotation straight away when put on rails
    • They are also placed with the correct rotation onto slopes
  • Minecarts no longer phase through blocks on slopes when going up or down, they collide instead
Redstone Experiments
Please note that the experimental features behind this toggle are not aimed at any future release at this time.
Instead, this is a place for us to try out changes and gather feedback.
We are excited to hear what you think about these changes: please share your feedback on the [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]feedpack page.
Developer's Note: The removal of excessive neighbor updates around wire affects the behavior of Quasi-Connectivity based contraptions. We plan to address these issues at a later point.
  • Redstone wire updates now have a left-first preference
    • That means if there is a fork in a wire and the distance on both sides is the same, the left side will be updated first
    • This removes most of the random behavior
    • The remaining edge cases which are still random are situations where wire gets powered from above or below without enough context

The following changes apply to the game regardless of which experiments are turned on.
  • Projectiles such as Arrows, Tridents and Fishing Bobbers now bounce on the world border if hit
  • Framerate has been improved when using higher render distances
    • Significantly reduced the performance impact when turning the camera
  • The recipe book now repeats the last selected recipe when a "selected" key is pressed (space or either enter key)
  • Items which convert to another item after consumption will no longer do so in Creative
    • For example, a Honey Bottle will no longer add a Glass Bottle to your inventory when consumed in Creative

Technical Changes
  • The Data Pack version is now 50
  • Resource Pack version is now 36
Data Pack Version 50Changed Item Components[color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]minecraft:food

  • The food component has been changed to become a data container which only holds the food stats applied when the item is consumed
    • This component no longer gives it the ability to be consumed, and can be done instead with the new [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]consumable component
  • Format: object with fields
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]nutrition The amount of nutrition applied when consumed
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]saturation The amount of saturation applied when consumed
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]can_always_eat Whether it can be consumed even when the user is not hungry

New Item Components[color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]minecraft:use_remainder
  • If present, will replace the item with a remainder item if its stack count has decreased after use
    • If the item has a stack count higher than 0 after use, the remainder item will be added to the inventory instead
    • If the inventory is full when trying to add a remainder item to it, it will be dropped on the ground instead
  • Format: single value as an item stack
    • e.g. [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]use_remainder={id:'minecraft:stick', count:1}

[color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]minecraft:use_cooldown
  • If present, this item will apply a cooldown to all items of the same type when it has been used
  • Format: object with fields
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]seconds: Positive float representing the amount of seconds the cooldown will take place for
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]cooldown_group: Optional namespaced id representing the cooldown group
      • If present, this item will be part of a cooldown group and no longer share cooldowns with its base item type
      • Instead, cooldowns applied to this item will only be shared with any other items that are part of the same cooldown group
    • e.g. [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]use_cooldown={seconds:1.5, cooldown_group:"minecraft:custom_weapon"}

[color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]minecraft:consumable
  • If present, this item can be consumed on use
    • If [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]food, [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]potion_contents, [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]ominous_bottle_amplifier or [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]suspicious_stew_contents are also present on this item, consuming this will apply the stats and effects of those components
  • Format: object with fields
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]consume_seconds: Non-negative float, the amount of seconds it takes for a player to consume the item
      • Default value: 1.6
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]animation: The animation used during consumption of the item
      • Default value: [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]eat
      • Accepted values:
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]none
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]eat
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]drink
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]block
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]bow
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]spear
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]crossbow
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]spyglass
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]toot_horn
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]brush

    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]sound: Sound event, the sound used during and on completion of the item's consumption
      • Default value: [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]entity.generic.eat
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]has_consume_particles: Boolean, whether consumption particles are emitted while consuming this item
      • Default value: [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]true
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]on_consume_effects: An optional list of side effects which take place as a result of consuming this item
      • There are currently 5 valid consume effects
      • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]minecraft:apply_effects
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]effects: A list of status effect instances applied once consumed
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]probability: Float, the probability the above effects will be applied once consumed
          • Default value: 1.0

      • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]minecraft:remove_effects
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]effects: A set of status effects removed once consumed, as either a tag or list of ids
      • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]minecraft:clear_all_effects
        • Clears all status effects of the consumer
      • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]minecraft:teleport_randomly
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]diameter: Positive float, the diameter that the consumer will be teleported within
          • Default value: 16.0

      • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]minecraft:play_sound
        • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]sound: Sound event, played once consumed

    • e.g. [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]consumable={consume_seconds:3.0, animation:'eat', sound:'entity.generic.eat', has_consume_particles:true, on_consume_effects:[{type:'minecraft:clear_all_effects'}]}

Resource Pack Versions 36Shaders & Post-process Effects
Developer's Note: Although it is possible in Resource Packs, overriding Core Shaders is considered as unsupported and not an intended Resource Pack feature. These shaders exist as part of the internal implementation of the game, and as such, may change at any time as the game's internals evolve. We understand that overriding Core Shaders is used for very cool Resource Pack features, many of which lack supported alternatives. We would like to provide better, supported alternatives in the future.
  • Shader program configurations can now specify preprocessor define directives to apply to their linked shaders
    • Many shader implementations have been merged by making use of this
  • The format of core shader and post-processing shader configurations have been consolidated
  • The [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]rendertype_entity_glint_direct shader has been removed (replaced by [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]rendertype_entity_glint)
  • The [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]rendertype_entity_translucent_cull shader has been removed (replaced by [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]rendertype_item_entity_translucent_cull)
Shader Program Definitions
  • Program definitions for post-processing effects ([color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/<namespace>/shaders/program/<name>.json) have been made consistent with core shader definitions ([color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/<namespace>/shaders/core/<name>.json)
    • The [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]blend field has been removed, as it had no use
    • The [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]attributes field has been removed, instead the [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]Position attribute will always be bound
    • The provided uniforms have been consolidated with those provided to core shaders
      • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]Time has been renamed to [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]GameTime

  • The [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]vertex and [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]fragment shader references in program definitions (including post-processing effects) are now namespaced shader ids
    • A vertex shader [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]<namespace>:<path> will resolve to [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/<namespace>/shaders/<path>.vsh
    • A fragment shader [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]<namespace>:<path> will resolve to [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/<namespace>/shaders/<path>.fsh
  • Shader source files are no longer required to be in the [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]shaders/core subdirectory, this only exists for organization
  • Added [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]defines field to program definitions (object with fields)
    • Allows GLSL define directives to be injected into the shader source, which can be referenced in the shader
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]values (map of string to string)
      • Will be injected as [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]#define <key> <value> at the top of the file
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]flags (list of strings)
      • Will be injected as [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]#define <key> at the top of the file

Shader Imports
  • The [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]#moj_import directive now supports namespaced includes with absolute paths
    • For example, [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]#moj_import <minecraft:fog.glsl> will import [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/minecraft/shaders/include/fog.glsl
  • Relative imports are not namespaced and behave as before
Post-process Effect Definitions
  • Post-processing effect configuration has been moved out of the [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/<namespace>/shaders/post directory to just [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/<namespace>/post_effect
  • Vertex and fragment shaders used by these effects have been moved from [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/<namespace>/shaders/program to [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/<namespace>/shaders/post
  • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]name has been renamed to [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]program, and is now a namespaced id of a shader program configuration
    • [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]<namespace>:<path> will resolve to [color=var(--mc-text-highlight-color,#7824c5) !important]assets/<namespace>/shaders/<path>.json

Fixed bugs in 24w34a
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-73178 - Villagers' "CanPickUpLoot" tag cannot be set to zero
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-144327 - The bottom face texture of a blaze's rods is the same as their top face texture
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-191431 - Player spectator head is invisible / does not render in the inventory after switching to "Fabulous!"
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-269376 - Breeze fires wind charge from center of hitbox
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-269715 - Food won't be eaten when the component food.eat_seconds is less than 0.05
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-272643 - Items containing using_converts_to cannot be stacked with the original items after restarting the world.
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-273629 - Adding effects with an effects_changed advancement causes a packet error (ConcurrentModificationException) if it was triggered by Milk
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275203 - Minecarts always spawn facing east/west and move upward slightly when being placed on rails
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275209 - It's impossible to put water in a cauldron underwater
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275210 - Minecarts can phase through blocks when travelling diagonally upwards
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275211 - The enchantment glint isn't visible on dropped items
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275213 - Hand animation still plays when trying to put lava or powder snow in an underwater cauldron
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275218 - "Minecart rolls" sound does not play when on tracks after de-railing then re-railing
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275219 - Hand animation still plays in creative when trying to use minecarts inside each other on the same rail
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275221 - Baby polar bear model is messed up in 24w33a
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275224 - Minecart items desync when using them on a rail with a minecart above it
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275226 - Enchantment glint is not visible on items held by player and mobs in third person
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275229 - Minecarts behave strangely on bubble columns
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275230 - The game crashes when opening the inventory while in spectator mode
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275232 - The mining fatigue animation appears too close
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275237 - Cannot rename written book in an anvil
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275241 - Minecarts continue to produce sound for a short while after being stopped
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275246 - Crash after attempting to move item from off-hand in Creative inventory
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275248 - Torches no longer have bottom faces
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275249 - "FOV Effects" slider incorrectly modifying zoom values on the spyglass
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275252 - Player head angle when crawling is now strange
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275270 - Minecart not oriented correctly when placed on a sloped unpowered powered rail
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275271 - Crash after attempting to move item to hotbar slot in Creative inventory
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275273 - Baby mooshroom uses wrong scale
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275277 - Trial chambers' encounter_4 trap often does not hit the player
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275289 - There are empty chests in some chambers even after 24w33a
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275293 - Internal exception when picking blocks not in hotbar but in inventory in Survival mode
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275296 - Emissive textures are not emissive in the player's hand
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275297 - Failing selectors and fake players in "score" selector result in an unexpected error
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275307 - Hand doesn't show up when switching from Spectator mode
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275310 - Cannot enchant armor in enchanting table
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275319 - End crystals in 24w33a appear to be slightly smaller than in previous versions
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275328 - Enchantment glint is not visible on items in item frames
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275329 - As of 24w33a zombie villagers no longer raise their arms to attack
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275332 - The rotation of a wall/ceiling lever and buttons does not affect the update order of wire in Redstone Experiment
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275343 - Projectiles stuck in the world border can float in the air if the border size is changed
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275361 - Baby zombie variant arms disconnect from their body when attacking
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275397 - Redstone dust doesn't update properly
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275436 - Cannot enchant books in enchanting table
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275467 - Minecarts can launch you hundreds of thousands of blocks upwards if you derail inside cobwebs or powdered snow
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275473 - Slim model's arms are now lower than the torso by 0.5 pixels
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275479 - Dispensers cannot place minecarts onto rails if there is a minecart one block away
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275482 - Minecarts do not pick up mobs like they used to
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275486 - Enchantable data component doesn't work with items that only have enchantments through a data pack
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275498 - Clocks, compasses and recovery compasses don't function in item frames
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275554 - Minecarts between two downward slopes will shake violently and never settle
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275566 - Game crash when trying to open various GUIs with Fabulous graphics
  • [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]MC-275569 - Outer layer of the skin shows when disabled until you go into third person
Get the Snapshot
Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Snapshot, open up the [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
Want to give feedback?
  • For any feedback and suggestions, head over to the [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]Feedback site. If you're feeling chatty, join us over at the [color=var(--mc-vanilla-green-link-color,var(--mc-core-green-6))]official Minecraft Discord.

  • 打卡等级:初来乍到
  • 打卡总天数:3
  • 打卡月天数:0
  • 打卡总奖励:40
  • 最近打卡:2024-08-28 15:34:21








Rank: 2

发表于 2024-8-26 10:35:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

  • 打卡等级:小镇青年
  • 打卡总天数:62
  • 打卡月天数:6
  • 打卡总奖励:10999
  • 最近打卡:2024-10-07 09:46:59









Rank: 8Rank: 8



 楼主| 发表于 2024-8-26 10:38:11 | 显示全部楼层
Shen 发表于 2024-8-26 10:35


使用道具 举报

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